Friday, August 21, 2009

African Choirs

I loved working in Africa and being allowed to worship among many of God's choice servants there. There is a deep sincerety and authentic worship which is seen and felt when you go to church meetings, especially in rural towns and villages across the great continent. Although most live in extreme poverty and under harsh conditions the people will walk many miles to church, often dance through the entire time of singing, and then after listening to an hour-long sermon, ask the preacher for more of the Word of God. "Prraaaaaaiiiiiisssssse the Looooorrrrrrd!" There's nothing like it.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A Video of Various Worship Scenes in Africa

Ahhh! Africa! Land of Adventure - Wild, man-eating Lions, Crocodiles, primitive living conditions, malaria, parasites, HIV-AIDS, and many other obstacles. However, you will find a group of dedicated Christian Missionaries doing their best to reach every person on the continent with the message of God's love. One of the most inspiring parts of the African experience is to have the chance to get to know a few African people on a personal basis. My wife and I lived in Nairobi for almost ten years where we served as "overseer" of the Church of God Churches I've been privileged above many of my fellows to be close to them and to share my faith in 23 of the 50 nations. This video is the beginning of my attempt to share some of the flavor of Africa from a missionary's perspective. For an additional 10 years I served our church as the supervisor of our work in 32 nations on this great continent where I met many more of God's humble servants quietly going about the work of sharing the faith of Jesus the Messiah. Hope you enjoy this.

Bishop Fred A. Brannen, Missionary (Retired)