Saturday, September 4, 2010

Waneda Brownlow Newsletter

Under African Skies - Waneda Brownlow
Children's Ministry Coordinator, Africa
Church of God World Missions
September 2010

May, June, July, August . . . since I sent my last newsletter in April. Many miles have been traveled, much workhas been done, and it is time for a report from your happy missionary who spends her days UNDER AFRICAN SKIES!!!

In May, I was thrilled to go on my first safari, visiting Kenya's Amboseli National Park with a group of missionary friends. Seeing Giraffes, Elephants, Buffaloes, Hippos, Lions and other amazing animals at close range was an unforgettable experience.

Immediately following the safari, I went to Moshi, Tanzania to attend a meeting of the entire team of leadership (more than 70 administrators, overseers, teachers and missionaries) for the Church of God in Africa. While there, we received training in the areas of leadership development and conflict management. With the help of the three area superintendents, I made plans to visit West, Central and East Africa, staying four months in each territory before December 2011.

Following the Leadership Conference, I flew to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where I worked for two weeks alongside Bishop Hiruy Tsige. His ministry to children spurs me to work harder in the preparation of teachers. In Ethiopia, the Harvest Church of God supports more than 50 kindergartens, and two primary schools, serving more than 5000 children.

June 1-14 in Kenya, correspondence, laundry and my 34 surrogate grandchildren at Care4Kids, International were waiting for me. Also, my housemates insisted I cook for them as often as possible. I visited a church in Kitale, where I had breakfast, addressed three separate groups of people (widows, young adults and the morning worship congregation), and ate lunch before returning to Eldoret. The trip to Kitale and back was the roughest traveling I have done in Afri8ca so far. The roads are bad beyond description. However, the warm reception I met when I arrived in the village of Sepanga was worth the bouncy, bumpy ride.

The rest of June was spent in Zambia, conducting teacher training seminars. In one Sunday morning worship service, where I was the speaker, more than 100 children sat quietly and listened attentively to the message. At the end of the service, we called the children forward. The congregation surrounded the youngsters as we prayed God's blessings on them.

July was a busy month. I held a couple of teacher training sessions in the Eldoret, Kenya area before traveling to the US to attend the General Assembly, visit my doctors for a regularly scheduled six-month check-up and spend time with my family, in addition to attending a missions conference and speaking at my home church in Plant City, FL.

I am including three pictures from July . . . the first shows me with Juddy Karei and Kathy Watson and was made at the General Asssembly. The second will give you an idea of what it means to be the only sister of four beloved brothers. Finally, for those of you who have known my family for awhile, here's a recent picture of Mama with her three babies, Philip, Travis and Mary.

By the way, the visits to my doctors were, as usual, loads of fun. My good health continues. I am now officially a FOUR-YEAR cancer survivor!!

The first couple of weeks in August, I have to admit, I wasn't very busy. My son, who had been in Korea for a year's remote assignment, had just retujrned to Florida. I spent as much time with him and the rest of my children and grandchildren as I could. Then I packed up, loaded up and flew back to Africa. I will be working here in West Africa, with my base in Ghana until December.

On Saturday, August 28, at a Regional Ladies' Convention, I spoke to about 200 ladies. At the end of the message, I challenged the group to "step into God's future" for their lives. The all surprised me, when the musicians began to play Onward Christian Soldiers, by marching around the hall, smiling and salutinmg each other. I believe they got the point.

In a couple of days, I will be taking my own step into God's future for my life, as I settle into my home on the campus of our Bible school in Ghana at Winneba. I'll be teaching, counseling, and traveling to conduct training seminars for teachers. I'm depending on your prayers! Thank you for all your support, financial, emotional, and spiritual. I appreciate what each of you does to help me accomplish the tasks that lie before me!!